Friday 15 October 2010
God knows you. He engraved your name on his hands and keeps your tears in a bottle (Isa. 49:16; Ps. 56:8)
I woke up this morning to find an unusual text message on my phone. It had to do with money I owe. And at this time there was no money (mist), I looked around I thought of every solution but all seemed hopeless. I turned on my computer, I found in my inbox a bible text that said for “You number and record my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in your book? (Psalm 56:8). I picked up my bible to read the full chapter, you know what? The first call I received while reading seemed like an open door to the solution but nothing changed. I fixed my hope on Him. I tell you today fear not what man can do to you, take it to God in prayer. I am here still standing. God knows you. And he is near you! How far is the shepherd from the sheep (John 10:14) or the branch from the vine (John 15:5)? That’s how far God is from you. He is near. “God is for me” (Ps. 56:9). And His kingdom needs you. The poor need you; the lonely need you; the church needs you, the cause of God needs you. You are part of “the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone” (Eph. 1:11). The kingdom needs you to discover and deploy your unique skill.
Facebook profile - Oluwatunbi Ayanfeoluwa Akindayomi - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=665185066
IF NOT FOR GOD - http://www.ifnotforgod.com/
IF NOT FOR GOD - Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/pages/IF-NOT-FOR-GOD/96316060783?ref=search&sid=501328779.3836089044..1

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