From the inspiration of Daniel (4)
You have granted me abundant blessings;
I was filled and yet went astray.
Who would train me but O You who cares for my salvation?
Deprive me of some of your gifts,
but do not deprive me of You,
for You are my share and my eternal inheritance!
May You grant me humility,
for it builds my inner depths.
I have ignored your love and your abundant blessings,
for I had no control over myself!
How hard it is for me to remain humble while You are overflowing me with abundant gifts!
Let me continuously remember my weaknesses,
so that I remain humble.
Hold my hand and let me walk with You on the road of Your love!
Grant me the spirit of Daniel the prophet and servant,
so that I may desire the salvation of sinners and be compassionate toward them, but not at the expense of the divine truth.
I do not fear any king no matter how tyrant he is,
and I do not hide Your word no matter how strict it is!
Your threatening had scared Nebuchadnezzar,
but I find the sweetness of Your love in the midst of Your threatening to me.
Teach me to consecrate all my life to Your obedience.
Your threats and promises are for my edification.
My sins have made me fall under the divine chastening and made me eat the pigs' food.
But now I come back to You,
so may You carry me in the fellowship of the saints,
lift me to the heavenly life and grant me a surpassing heavenly knowledge!
Fr. Tadros Malaty
From the Inspiration of the Book of Daniel
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