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A Glorious And Eternal Kingdom
From the inspiration of Daniel (7)
The world is like a raging sea,
out of which comes wild beasts to devour and dominate!
But Your Kingdom is definitely coming to reign over Your saints forever,
Not on transient earth but on new eternal heaven!
This is the last hour!
You are certainly coming to rule!
The Antichrist is entering a decisive battle.
It is a battle of life or death!
May the evil be mortified and the darkness abolished,
And may the kingdom of light shine inside us!
May the Antichrist come.
He is very violent and destroyer of souls!
But You are much stronger and greater!
May Your church be protected until the end of the ages!
Fr. Tadros Malaty
From the Inspiration of the Book of Daniel
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* الفصل 15*
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